"I just don't understand it, Mitzy. Why are they being so touchy about a keen, healthy interest in 20th century history?"
Recently, Human Rights Watch (HRW) was rocked by the revelation that their senior military expert, Marc Garlasco, is an avid Nazi memorabilia collector (link). The man who co-authored the HRW report on the alleged shelling of civilians on a beach in Gaza, as well as the report condemning the use of cluster munitions during the Second Lebanon War, also (I suppose in his spare time) happened to pen the quaintly-titled book The Flak Badges of the Luftwaffe and Heer, which examined the qualification badges of the Anti-Aircraft units of the German WW2 airforce.
When the story was first published in Maariv, Emma Daly (HRW's Communications Director) did what any good PR exec would do in such a situation. Deny.
"Marc Garlasco is not pro-Nazi. These allegations are monstrous. He does not delve into Nazi memorabilia. Garlasco is a student of military history and he has an interest in military history.(link)"
Mr. Garlasco also denied these allegations in a true, professional, manner. On the internet with the unfortunate pseudonym "Flak88." (link) What Mr. Garlasco was likely referring to is the 8.8 cm german Anti-Aircraft/Anti-tank cannons that were extensively used during WW2. Unfortunately, "88" is to neo-Nazi emails what thick-rimmed glasses are to hipster douches...a way to identify themselves publicly. One can only assume that other unfortunate, yet fitting, nicknames (BaldTop, HRWAnal69) had already been taken.
Not helping matters was Garlasco's post on a military website here he very professionally stated (and remember this is a man with a PhD in International Relations):
"The leather SS jacket makes my blood go cold it is so COOL!" (Link: )
That's right, EXACTLY like a 12 year old girl finding a new Barbie under the tree on Christmas morning.
Do I think Mr. Garlasco is a Nazi? No, and I want to make that clear. He's just another weirdo collecting Nazi gear, surfing the net in his boxers and eating cheetos straight from the bag as he flames a guy named LeninWrkr21 over the minute details of Operation Uranus. He's no rabid anti-semitic Ubermensche.
However, being a Nazi memorabilia fetishist while continuing to work for a HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION where you'll be examining people the guy whose coat you have stored in your basement once turned into lampshades...well, that makes you a super-sized douchebag, doesn't it, and hence the first person lampooned on Zio Toons.
Oh, and another thing that makes him a douche? This is the guy who, while working with the Pentagon, dropped 1 000 KILOs of explosives onto a house in Basra because he thought it was the hidehout of Chemical Ali (Link). He then yelled out, I assume in a high pitched squeal as he fist pumped in glee:
"I just blew up Chemical Ali!"
Which is great. Except he didn't kill Chemical Ali. He more specifically killed 17 people who were NOT Chemical Ali.
His reasoning, as told to 60 minutes (link):
"If you're gonna kill up to 29 people in a strike against Saddam Hussein, that's not a problem."
He also told 60 minutes that "a couple hundred civilians at least" were killed in strikes he recommended against 50 high value targets. And none of those high value targets were actually killed.
200+ for 0.
There's a score you can write home to mom about.
Hm, the entire IDF kills 1500 people, many of whom are members of an armed terror group, and are labelled war criminals by HRW. Their military analyst alone is responsible for over 200 civilian deaths and he is..hired to be a senior military analyst for a human rights NGO.
So what was Garlasco's defense?
"...[T]he Taliban are violating international law, and[...]the U.S. just doesn't have enough troops on the ground. You have the Taliban shielding in people's homes. And you have this small number of troops on the ground. And sometimes the only thing they can do is drop bombs. (Link)"
Yeah that's right. Although worded with a callous disregard for human life, it's the same argumet the IDF made for civilian casualties in Gaza, which the HRW condemns as criminal.
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